Il materiale di cui a seguito è stato fornito dal Prof. Daniele Lodi.
Lateralizzazione e Orientamento Spazio Temporale
e per attenuare i Disturbi
Specifici dell’Apprendimento
1. Colpire la palla facendola rimbalzare a
muro usando la mano a dita tese come fosse una racchetta:
2. Infilare
nelle mani i Goback e tenere in
equilibrio la palla mentre si attraversa la palestra come un CAMERIERE
che la porta con la mano DX e poi SX
Camminando… poi correndo
3. Poi
come un GIOCOLIERE che la fa rimbalzare sulla tavoletta sia con la mano DX che
Camminando…poi correndo
4. Gare con se stessi (maggior numero di colpi
diretti a muro, in 1 minuto)
5. Ripeto superando il mio record (
sia con la mano DX che SX)
6. Idem a coppie
Cameriere giocoliere
I bambini attraversano
la palestra tenendo su la palla con una sola tavoletta in modi sempre più
dinamici: Camminando (mano dx e sx), di corsetta (mano dx e sx), facendo rimbalzare
la pallina sulla tavoletta, facendola rimbalzare da una tavoletta all’altra.
Impara a fare il panino
Si palleggia a muro e,
ogni tanto, si blocca la pallina con entrambe le tavolette.
Successivamente, se si
blocca la pallina con la mano Dx, si ricomincia a palleggiare con la dx, se lo
si fa a Sx si riparte con quella mano.
Tennis al bar
Si dispone un facile
percorso per ognuna delle 2-3 squadre formate (con coni per lo slalom e un
bassissimo ostacolo da superare), al termine del quale si pone un cestino dove
i concorrenti dovranno depositare le palline trasportate. Se la pallina cade
parte un nuovo alunno dall’inizio.
Pesci nella rete
Posto al centro di un
perimetro delimitato uno scatolone coppie di giocatori si sfidano a tirarvi
dentro le palline in un tempo stabilito.
Campo minato
Si dividono gli alunni
in 2-3 squadre e si dispongono di fronte a ciascuna di queste materassi a terra che dovranno essere colpiti
tirando da circa 7 m .
di distanza.
Chi tira ha un minuto a
disposizione, il resto della squadra continua rifornire riportando le palline
che non sono cadute sul bersaglio.
Mira l’obiettivo
Due giocatori di
squadre diverse, nel tempo stabilito, devono tirare oltre la rete centrando in
progressione i tre settori delimitati ad una distanza sempre crescente da 1-3-5
punti. I compagni mettono le palline che hanno raggiunto il bersaglio in
contenitori del valore corrispondente. Ciascun giocatore può accedere al
settore di valore progressivamente maggiore solo se ha centrato il precedente.
Gimkana con bersaglio
Su un campo si dispone
un facile percorso che i concorrenti devono eseguire senza far cadere la
pallina dal proprio GoBack, arrivati a rete tentano di centrare un settore di
campo delimitato da 1-3-5- punti per aggiudicarsene il valore. Ognuno ha a
disposizione lo stesso numero di palline degli altri concorrenti.
Singolare GoBack
Tirando una rete da 20-26 m . (reperibile nei”Caccia e
pesca”)nel senso longitudinale della palestra si delimitano 6-8 campetti di
gioco da 4 m .
di larghezza e 12 di lunghezza. Le linee di fondo campo possono essere
rappresentate da quelle del campo di basket, le linee laterali vanno segnate
con skotch di carta o linee mobili in plastica. Il giocatore che ha il servizio deve tirare nel
settore di battuta colpendo dal basso la palla, il giocatore che riceve deve
lasciarla ribalzare a terra.
Poi si gioca come a
tennis arrivando a 11 punti. Ogni due punti realizzati la battuta passa
all’altro giocatore.
Americana GoBack
Si divide la classe in due squadre, che indossano canotte di
colore diverso, si dispongono fuori da
un campo 7 x 15 o da pallavolo. Il giocatore che inizia deve tirare la pallina
nel settore di battuta (in caso di errore ha diritto ad una II prova), dopo il
tiro va di corsa a mettersi in fila dietro i compagni nell’atro campo. Ogni
alunno parte da un “Bonus” di 4/5 vite che dovrà cercare di non perdere tirando
fuori, in rete o non rimandando la palla nell’altro campo.
Colui che commette
l’errore e perde una vita deve riaprire il gioco.Via, via che i concorrenti
perdono il loro “Bonus” si assottigliano le file dei concorrenti fino ad
arrivare a due soli giocatori che si sfideranno con le regole del singolare
partendo dai punti ancora a loro disposizione.
Dopo alcuni mesi di sperimentazione con i Go Back è
possibile proporre molte di queste esercitazioni utilizzando racchette junior
con manico accorciato e cordatura più morbida agli allievi che hanno più di 9
anni. Devo precisare che le attività fin ora proposte sono tratte dal progetto
“Sport a Scuola” che la Federazione Italiana Tennis divulga attraverso tecnici come la prof. M. Rosa Fanzago.)
RIMBALZANTE di gomma ripiena
con rimbalzo a terra
da una mano all’altra
di rimbalzo dal pavimento al muro.
COPPIE uno di fronte all’altro lancio diretto
uno lancia l’altro prende a due mani
con una mano
dopo un rimbalzo a terra
Avviamento al Tchoukball e al
a coppie, aumentando gradualmente la distanza di lancio mentre ci si passa una
palla morbida
Lancio a
una mano libero e presa a due mani
dall’alto, dal basso, da fermi, camminando, contando iol numero dei passaggi
completati in un minuto e nel minuto successivo cercando di superare il propri
fa rotolare a terra la palla e l’altro la rincorre per andare dall’altra parte
passare sotto le gambe
cl fondo schiena sedendosi a terra prima del suo arrivo
col naso distendendosi a terra.
da fondo palestra ogni coppia conta quanti passaggi le
servono per raggiungere la parete opposta e, man mano, cerca di farcela con un
numero inferiore di passaggi
Consolidamento equilibrio
Saltelli su di un solo piede
Coordinazione nel salto di ostacoli e nel calciare una
Mini percorsi nel seminterrato
Attraversamento di brevi spazi stando in equilibrio su
Gioco dello “Scalone” (Settore a 8 quadranti nel quale si
lancia un dischetto da andare a recuperare a balzi su di un solo piede)
nei SALTELLI sul posto
solo piedi (apro e chiudo)
solo piedi (avanti e dietro)
le braccia
apro piedi e braccia
chiudo piedi e braccia
piedi avanti dietro
braccia apro chiudo
piedi avanti dietro
braccia alto basso
piedi apro chiudo
braccia alto basso
N.B. I Bambini con difficoltà di
coordinazione possono avere problemi anche sul 1° livello, in quel caso è molto
indicato far loro eseguire i movimenti interrompendo la sequenza ad ogni cambio
di posizione (es.: “Da piedi uniti braccia basse, apro i piedi con un balzo
mentre slancio le braccia per fuori e mi fermo” poi “Da piedi divaricati
braccia in alto unisco i piedi mentre abbasso le braccia e mi fermo”), quando è
stata eseguita la progressione per almeno 10-12 volte si sarà creata quella
traccia neuro motoria che consentirà di svolgere la sequenza in modo
continuativo. Idem sui livelli con difficoltà superiore.
Avviamento al SOFTBALL
coppie: Passaggi e prese da distanze diverse
Uno lancia dal basso alla
pancia del compagno
Stessa cosa con rotazione
oraria del braccio
Chi attende la palla si mette
di profilo a mani unite e
tenta di colpire la palla col dorso
della mano
della mazza:
aver insegnato l’impugnatura far colpire palline di spugna o depressurizzate
poste sopra un sostegno, o palle di plastica attraversate da un filo legate
alla spalliera.
di profilo, palline lanciate dal basso da un compagno

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Regole Base
I giocatori in attacco realizzano un
punto se riescono, partendo da Casa Base, a fare il giro completo tornando a
“Casa” senza essere eliminati. I giocatori in difesa (Lanciatore, Ricevitore e
Difensori…) possono eliminare gli attaccanti prendendo la loro Battuta al volo,
Toccandoli con la palla in mano prima che si mettano in salvo sulle basi,
mandando la palla al difensore di una della basi prima che vi arrivi
l’attaccante o facendo sbagliare per 3 volte il battitore (3 “Strike”).
N.B. Nella prima fase si possono far giocare i
bambini anche senza mazza facendoli partire dopo il loro lancio in campo. Solo
quando hanno acquisito la capacità di colpire con la mazza si passerà all’uso
di questo attrezzo.
Avviamento al Tchoukball

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questo sport si realizza un punto se, dopo aver tirato contro il pannello
rimbalzante dalla distanza di 3
m ., la squadra avversaria non riesce a prendere al volo
la palla e questa cade dentro al campo di gioco. Le due squadre non possono
ostacolarsi intercettando i passaggi e devono lasciare tirare liberamente gli
avversari, caratteristiche queste di alto valore educativo, che lo rendono
particolarmente adatto a ragazzi con difficoltà coordinative.
squadra ha a disposizione 3 passaggi per andare al tiro su qualsiasi dei due
pannelli, più il passaggio di apertura chiamato passaggio “0” . Se la palla cade tra uno
scambio e l’altro viene assegnata agli avversari, che ripartono dal punto dal
quale è caduta toccando con essa il terreno di gioco. L’azione viene ripresa
dalla squadra che ha subito il punto toccando da fuori il telaio del pannello.
perde un punto se non si riesce a prendere al volo la palla dopo il tiro degli
avversari, se si tira a terra sbagliando il panello e se questa rimbalza
addosso all’attaccante che ha tirato. Chi ha la palla non può avanzare
cam,minando o correndo, deve passare. Prima del tiro sono ammessi 3 appoggi
e prese a coppie.
contro il pannello e auto-recupero
su due file: a Dx ogni alunno ha una palla e va al tiro, da Sx la si recupera e
poi si cambia fila.
Dx si passa la palla e ci si sposta avanti per ricevere il passaggio e tirare.
dopo aver fatto tre appoggi a terra: per i Dx (Sx-Dx-Sx) tiro; per i mancini
della palestra a coppie o a 3, passandosi la palla e andando al tiro.
Giochi propedeutici ai lanci ed alle prese

Tra gli alunni metà hanno la palla. Un alunno senza palla inizia il
gioco correndo per toccare chiunque non ne sia in possesso. Chi ha la palla può
passarla a chi scappa per soccorrerlo e metterlo in salvo. Chi viene toccato
senza palla deve rincorrere. (2)

Una squadra è disposta in cerchio ed ha una
palla, l’altra è disposta in fila a fianco del cerchio ed ha una bandierina.
Al VIA, il primo della squadra in
fila parte di corsa e compie un giro intorno al cerchio dell’altra classe.
Quando torna, consegna la bandierina al secondo bambino, che parte di corsa e
così via. Contemporaneamente la classe in cerchio esegue passaggi con la palla
il più velocemente possibile. Ogni volta che la palla torna al primo bambino
del cerchio si conta un giro completo.
Quando tutti i bambini in fila
hanno effettuato il proprio giro di corsa, si interrompono i passaggi e si
invertono i ruoli, facendo attenzione che il numero di giri di corsa effettuati
sia uguale per entrambe le squadre.
Vince la squadra che, al termine,
ha un numero maggiore di giri completi di passaggi con la palla.

Due squadre disposte
liberamente sul campo diviso da una rete o un /nastro teso ad un’altezza
a piacere: ogni alunno ha una
palla. Al via ognuno lancia il proprio pallone nel campo avversario e continua
a lanciare tutti quelli che arrivano il più velocemente possibile. Al segnale
il gioco si ferma e la squadra che ha meno palloni nel proprio campo vince.
Ripetere più volte
cambiando il campo.(2)

Il campo è diviso in TRE ZONE e i ragazzi in ,tre gruppi A –B
– C .
Le due squadre A e C si lanciano una palla cercando di
colpire i ragazzi della zona centrale B. Chi è colpito va nella squadra di chi
ha tirato la palla. Il gioco finisce
quando in B non c’è più nessuno.

Due squadre in due campi opposti: una palla viene lanciata da
una parte all’altra. Chi viene colpito passa con l’altra squadra e continua il
gioco. Se la palla è presa al volo non si è presi. Il gioco finisce quando
tutti i bambini sono dalla stessa parte.

All’interno del campo
di pallavolo, senza la rete, si
dispongono due squadre.
Se chi va al tiro,
usando una palla morbida, colpisce un avversario questi passa nell’altro campo
stando esterno alle righe che lo delimitano e da lì, in caso recuperi la palla,
può anche lui colpire gli avversari e ritornare dalla propria parte.
Vince la squadra che
elimina tutti gli avversari colpendoli e portandoli dalla propria parte

Si pongono 2-3 palle
morbide sulla linea di centro campo e le
due squadre si dispongono sulle linee di fondo al via partono 3
concorrenti per parte che afferrando i palloni tirano agli avversari cercando
di colpirli. Chi viene centrato esce, ma può rientrare se un suo compagno
riesce ad afferrare un tiro avversario al volo. Vince la squadra che elimina
tutti gli avversari.
L'Orienteering, consiste nell'effettuare un percorso
predefinito caratterizzato da punti di controllo chiamati "lanterne" con
l'aiuto di una cartina molto
dettagliata che contiene i particolari del luogo da percorrere.
La cartina è uno spazio
visto dall’alto
può iniziare il gioco chiedendo agli
alunni di raffigurare la classe su tutta la grandezza del foglio protocollo:
disponendovi banchi, lavagna, cattedra,
cestino e armadietti come se li si stesse osservando dall’alto del soffitto.
N.B. Aiutare i meno dotati a collocare i vari oggetti nella giusta reciproca
la mappa della classe per creare un proprio percorso con 4 punti da
raggiungere, rispettando la seguente simbologia
Δ 1 partenza
2 lanterne(punti da raggiungere)
1 punto di arrivo
il percorso
del percorso nella classe
del percorso con un compagno(si provano poi 3 o 4 percorsi a testa)
di girare sempre la cartina per farla corrispondere agli oggetti ritrovati.
alla lavagna della mappa essenziale del
cortile della scuola
delle caratteristiche di quello spazio dalla finestra
creazione di un percorso a scelta
si prova all’aperto
lo si scambia con 2, 3 compagni
sul pavimento della palestra di oggetti vari (cerchi, coni,
materassini) e successiva consegna della piantina con una decina di cerchietti
vuoti posti in corrispondenza degli oggetti posizionati: gli alunni dovranno
segnare dentro ai cerchietti il giusto nome degli oggetti collocati sul
Conoscere la legenda di una cartina.
e copiatura della simbologia
a coppie (domanda e risposta)
in squadre e risposta a domande dell’insegnante.
una cartina e simulazione di un percorso verbalizzando
a domande sul percorso: “Sei alla
lanterna 1, che direzione prendi per la seconda? Cos’hai alla tua destra? Cosa ti dice che sei arrivato al punto
Prova a squadre dopo aver
incollato su 4 – 6 diversi cartoncini altrettante copie di cartine e averle
ritagliate in una quarantina di quadratini
a staffetta della cartina ritagliata assemblando i vari quadranti tipo Puzzle.
a cronometro di un percorso in cortile facendo partire gli alunni a distanza di un minuto uno dall’altro.
Giochi per l’orientamento spazio-temporale:
Consegnare una serie di carte dove sono raffigurate
coppie di azioni oppure di oggetti, e i
bambini scoprendole una ad una, devono indovinare dove si trovano le coppie
Disporre sul tavolo 4 coppie di carte rovesciate (“Mercante in fiera” o
altre) e poi cercare di riformare le coppie girandole due alla volta.
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Il tangram è l’antico gioco cinese.
È un quadrato suddiviso in 7 poligoni.
Componendo in vari modi le parti, è possibile costruire
innumerevoli figure.

- 5 triangoli (2 grandi, 1
medio, 2 piccoli)
- 1 quadrato
- 1 parallelogramma
- Usare tutti e
sette i pezzi nel comporre la figura finale;
- Non sovrapporne
Si può iniziare il gioco facendo
ritagliare un tangram di cartoncino ad ogni bambino, in modo che memorizzi dove
si trovano i singoli poligoni.
volta ritagliato riuscire a ricomporlo più volte.
figure diverse.
a coppie i bambini: uno costruisce e l’altro scompone e poi ricostruisce la
figura, scambiandosi i ruoli.
a costruire una figura proposta
dall’insegnante o da un compagno, ecc...
Tra tutte le attività che ho sperimentato il Ping Pong è il gioco che ha
consentito il maggior consolidamento di Lateralizzazione ed Orientamento
Spazio-Temporale a causa dell’alto numero di colpi che vengono eseguiti in
brevi unità di tempo, facendo sortire un intensivo effetto di coordinazione oculo-manuale e
consentendo quel recupero della percezione di quale sia il proprio lato
corporeo dominante.
Il progressivo consolidamento della
lateralizzazione e del riassetto
neuro-motorio apre la strada allo sviluppo della coordinazione, ad un miglior
orientamento spazio temporale e conseguentemente alla capacità di riconoscere
le forme grafiche delle lettere, consentendo agli alunni che sono deficitari in
questo ambito di ritrovare sicurezza in se stessi grazie a quella maggiore
competenza coordinativa che potranno spendere nei giochi ed anche nelle
esercitazioni di letto scrittura. L’immagine di sé migliorerà dando un positivo
impulso alla propria autostima e dal momento che Goleman e Bloom hanno
ampiamente dimostrato come la dimensione emozionale influenzi le capacità di
apprendimento possiamo affermare che tutto questo programma di riabilitazione
motoria possa favorire un intervento di rimozione agli ostacoli che i ragazzi
con D.S.A. devono superare. Esistono delle precise ragioni neuro biologiche a
sostegno di questa impostazione. Le riporto di seguito
Daniele Lodi
1. Hitting the ball bouncing on the wall using the hand outstretched fingers like a racket:
2. Put in the hands Goback and to balance the ball while going through the gym like a WAITER the door with his hand and then DX SX
Walking then running ...
3. Then as a JUGGLER that bounces on the tablet with both hands DX SX
Walking then running ...
4. Gare themselves (as many direct hits wall, 1 minute)
5. I repeat my past records (both with hand DX SX)
6. Idem couples
Waiter juggler
Children across the gym holding up the ball with one tablet in ways increasingly dynamic: Walking (right and left hand), jog (hand right and left), by bouncing the ball on the tablet, bouncing from a tablet to ' other.
Learn to make the sandwich
Dribbles wall and, sometimes, you block the ball with both tablets.
Next, if you block the ball with his hand Right, you start to dribble with the right, if you do it left-sharing with that hand.
Tennis at the bar
It offers an easy path for each of the 2-3 teams made (with cones for slalom and a very low hurdle), after which you put a basket where competitors must deposit the balls transported. If the ball lands the student a new beginning.
Fish in the net
At the center of a perimeter delimited a box pairs of players challenge each other to get you in the balls at a set time.
They divide the pupils into teams and 2-3 are arranged in front of each of these mattresses on the floor that will be affected by pulling from about 7 m. of distance.
Firer has one minute to the rest of the team continues to supply bringing the balls that did not fall on the target.
Aiming the target
Two players from different teams, at the appointed time, they have to pull over the network centering progressing the three sectors delimited at a distance increasing from 1-3-5 points. The comrades put the balls that reached the target in containers of corresponding value. Each player may enter the field of value gradually increased only if he hit the previous year.
Gymkhana with target
On a field you have an easy path that competitors must perform without dropping the ball from the right GoBack, arrived to try to hit a field network of field-delimited 1-3-5- points for aggiudicarsene value. Each one has available the same number of balls of the other competitors.
Singular GoBack
Pulling a network from 20 to 26 m. (Available in the "Hunting and Fishing") in the longitudinal direction of the gym they delimit 6-8 pitches of the game by 4 m. in width and 12 in length. The lines of the bottom field may be represented by those of the field of basketball, the side lines are to be marked with lines Skotch of paper or plastic furniture. The player who has the service must pull in batting hitting the ball from the bottom, the player receiving must leave ribalzare ground.
Then he plays as tennis reaching 11 points. Every two points made the joke goes to the other player.
American GoBack
The class is divided into two teams, who wear vests of different colors, are arranged outside a field 7 x 15 or volleyball. The starting player must pull the ball in batting (in case of error has the right to a trial II), after the shot goes running to get in line behind the comrades in the atrium area. Each student starts with a "bonus" of 4.5 lives that will try not to lose by pulling out the net or not postponing the ball in the other field.
He who makes the mistake and lose a life must reopen the gioco.Via, via that competitors lose their "bonus" thinning the ranks of competitors up to only two players that will compete with the rules of the singular starting from points still available to them.
After several months of experimentation with Go Back, you can propose a lot of these exercises using rackets junior handle shortened and stranding softer to students who have more than 9 years. I must point out that the activities proposed so far are from the project "Sport at School" that the Italian Tennis Federation disseminates through technical as the prof. M. Rosa Fanzago.)
· With ground bounce
· From hand to hand
· Bounce from floor to wall.
PAIRS facing each other direct launch
· One launches another takes two hands
· With one hand
· After a ground bounce
Starting at Tchoukball and Softball
Arranged in pairs, gradually increasing the throwing distance while passing a soft ball
To launch a free hand and two-handed grip
Throwing up, down, standing still, walking, counting IOLs number of steps completed in one minute and the next minute trying to exceed its record.
One rolls the ball on the ground and the other after it to go the other way
To grasp
Have it pass under the legs
Cl stop her lower back sitting on the ground before his arrival
Stopping his nose relaxing on the ground.
Starting from the bottom gym every couple the counts how many steps are needed to reach the opposite wall and, gradually, tries to cope with a lower number of steps
Consolidation balance
Hopping on one foot
Coordination in jumping obstacles and kick a ball
Mini courses in the basement
Crossing short space while balancing on logs
Game of "Staircase" (Sector 8 quadrants in which you toss a disc to go to catch leaping on one foot)
Coordination in hops on the spot
Level 1
· Only feet (open and close)
· Only feet (front and back)
add arms
· I open my arms and feet
· Close my feet and arms
2nd level
· Feet back behind
· Arms open close
3rd level
· Feet back behind
· Arms high low
4th level
· Foot open close
· Arms high low
N.B. Children with coordination difficulties may have trouble even on 1st level, in that case it is very suitable to perform their movements interrupting the sequence at each change of location (ex .: "By standing united arms available, will open with a foot leap while momentum for arms out and stop "then" From feet apart arms aloft join your feet while I lower my arms and I will stop ") when you ran the progression for at least 10-12 times you will be created that track neuro motor which will allow to carry out the sequence in a continuous manner. Ditto with higher difficulty levels.
Starting at SOFTBALL
In pairs: Passages and taken from different distances
One launches from below the belly of the companion
Same with clockwise rotation of the arm
Who is waiting for the ball gets in the profile joined hands
He tries to hit the ball with the back of the hand
Using the bat:
after teaching the handle to hit balls or sponge depressurized placed over a support, or plastic balls crossed by a thread tied to the back.
Hitting, standing in profile, balls coming from the bottom by a comrade
Text Box: Home
Basic Rules
Players on offense if they can achieve a point, starting from home base, to do a complete returning "home" without being eliminated. Defending players (Pitcher, receiver and Defenders ...) can eliminate the attackers taking their Battuta on the fly, by touching them with the ball in hand before, that they go except on the bases, sending the ball to a defender of the basics before you arrivals striker or doing wrong 3 times the batter (3 "Strike").
N.B. In the first phase you can let the children play poker without making them leave after their launch in the field. Only when they have acquired the ability to hit with the bat you will use this tool.
Starting at Tchoukball
In this sport he made a point if, after pulling against the panel bouncing from a distance of 3 m., The opposing team fails to catch the fly ball and it falls into the field of play. The two teams can not obstruct intercepting passes and must leave freely pull opponents, characteristics of high educational value, making it particularly suitable for children with difficulties coordinative.
Each team will be 3 steps to go to the shooting of any of the two panels, plus the passage opening passage called "0". If the ball falls between the exchange and the other is awarded to the opponents, who share the point from which fell by touching it with the pitch. The action is taken by the team that suffered the tapping point from outside the frame of the panel.
You lose a point if you can not take to flight the ball after the shot of the opponents, if you pull at the wrong floor panel and if it rebounds on the attacker pulled. Who has the ball can not advance cam, undermining or running, she has to go. Before the snap Allowed 3 supports advancing.
And steps taken in pairs.
Attempts against the panel and self-recovery
Arranged in two rows: a Right each student has a ball and is shooting from the Left is recovered and then change row.
Right to pass the ball and you move forward to receive the pass and shoot.
Shooting after three supports to the ground: for the Right (Left-Right-Left) shooting; for lefties (Right-Left-Right).
Crossing the gym in pairs or 3, passing the ball and going to the shooting.
Games preparatory to the launch and struggling
Among the students they have half the ball. A student starts the game without the ball running to touch anyone who has it in its possession. Who has the ball he can pass it on to those who run away to help him and keep him safe. Whoever is moved without the ball needs to catch up. (2)
A team is arranged in a circle and has a ball, the other is arranged in a row to the left of the rim and has a flag.
At VIA, the first team line up part of the race and makes one revolution around the circle of the other class. When he comes back, handed the flag to the second child, that part of the race and so on. At the same time the class in a circle executes steps with the ball as quickly as possible. Every time the ball back to the first child of the circle has a full turn.
When all the children lined carried out his round of racing, they stop the steps and they change roles, making sure that the number of laps of the race made it the same for both teams.
The team that, at the end, has a greater number of complete laps of steps with the ball.
Two teams placed freely on the field divided by a net or / tape stretched to a height at will: each student has a ball. At the start everyone throws his ball in the opposing camp and continues to launch all those who arrive as quickly as possible. To signal the game stops and the team that has fewer balls in their field wins.
Repeat several times by changing the field. (2)
Between two fires
The camp is divided into THREE ZONE and boys in three groups A -B - C.
The two teams A and C will throw a ball trying to hit the guys in the central B. Who is affected is the team who threw the ball. The game ends when there is no one in B.
Two teams into two opposing camps: a ball is thrown from side to side. Who gets passed with the other team and the game continues. If the ball is caught on the fly are not taken. The game ends when all the children are on the same side.
Prisoner ball
Within the field of volleyball, without the network, they have two teams.
If those who go shooting, using a soft ball, hitting an opponent these passes on the field according to the external lines that surround it and from there, in case the recoveries ball, he can hit opponents and return to their side.
The team that eliminates all opponents by hitting them and taking them on their side
2-3 soft balls are placed on the line of center field and the two teams will have on the bottom lines at the start there are 3 competing for the party by grabbing the balls to pull opponents trying to hit them. Who it is centered out, but may fall if a fellow can grasp an opponent shooting on the fly. The team that eliminates all the opponents.
The orienteering, consists in performing a predefined path characterized by control points called "lanterns" with the help of a very detailed map that contains the details of the place to go.
The map is seen from space
You can start the game by asking pupils to represent the class of all the greatness of the paper protocol: being open desks, blackboard, chair, trash and lockers as if you were watching them from the ceiling. N.B. Helping those less equipped to place the different objects in the correct mutual position.
· Use the map of the class to create their own path with 4 points to reach, according to the following symbols
Δ 1 start
О 2 lanterns (points to reach)
© first point of arrival
· Draw the path
· Testing of the path in the class
· Sharing the path with a mate (you feel then 3 or 4 routes each)
· The need to always turn the map to match the found objects.
· Observation of the characteristics of that space from the window
· Creation of a convenient location,
· You try it outdoors
· It is exchanged for 2, 3 comrades
Available on the gym floor of various objects (circles, cones, mats) and subsequent delivery of the plant with a dozen empty circles placed at objects placed: the students will score in the right circles the name of the objects placed on the ground.
Objective: Learn about the legend of a map.
· Design and copying symbols
· Storing individual
· Exercise in pairs (question and answer)
· Division into teams and answer the teacher's questions.
· Returns a map and simulation of a path verbalizing
· Answering questions on the course: "You lantern 1, which direction to take the second? What do you have to your right? What tells you that you've come to the right place? ...)
Team trials after pasting on 4-6 different cards as many copies of maps and cut them in forty squares
· Redial Relay cropped map of assembling the various quadrants type puzzle.
· Time Trial of a path in the yard by starting students after one minute of each other.
Games for the space-time orientation:
Delivering a series of cards which depicts pairs of objects or actions, and children discovering them one by one, have to guess where you find the pairs
Memory Progressive Arrange 4 pairs of cards on the table upside down ("Merchant at the fair" or other) and then try to reform the couples turning them two at a time.
Then move to 6-8 pairs
Tangram is an ancient Chinese game.
It is a square divided into seven polygons.
Combining in various ways the parties can build countless figures.
5 triangles (2 large, 1 medium, 2 small)
1 square
1 parallelogram
The goal is to train people to make sense. The rules are quite simple:
Use all seven pieces in composing the final figure;
Not sovrapporne anyone.
· You can start the game by making a cut out of construction paper tangram each child, so that it stores where there are individual polygons.
· Once clipped able to reconstruct it several times.
· To form different figures.
· Put the children in pairs: one builds and the other breaks down and then rebuilds the figure, swapping roles.
· Practice to build a figure proposed by the teacher or by a partner, etc ...
N.B. Of all the activities that I have experienced the Ping Pong is the game that allowed the greater consolidation of lateralization Orientation and Space-Time due to the high number of shots that run in short time units, doing exert a result of intensive coordination eye-hand and allowing the recovery of the perception of what their body side dominant.
The progressive consolidation of lateralization and reorganization neuromotor opens the way for the development of coordination, a better orientation space-time and, consequently, the ability to recognize graphic shapes of the letters, allowing students who are deficient in this area to find safety in themselves through the greater coordinative skills who can spend in the games and also exercises in bed writing. The self-image will improve giving a positive boost to your self-confidence and since Goleman and Bloom have amply demonstrated how the emotional dimension influences the ability to learn, we can say that this program of rehabilitation may favor a surgery to remove the obstacles that children with ASD They must pass. There are clear reasons in support of this neuro biological setting. The report below
Daniele Lodi
Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell'ex
1. Hitting the ball bouncing on the wall using the hand outstretched fingers like a racket:
2. Put in the hands Goback and to balance the ball while going through the gym like a WAITER the door with his hand and then DX SX
Walking then running ...
3. Then as a JUGGLER that bounces on the tablet with both hands DX SX
Walking then running ...
4. Gare themselves (as many direct hits wall, 1 minute)
5. I repeat my past records (both with hand DX SX)
6. Idem couples
Waiter juggler
Children across the gym holding up the ball with one tablet in ways increasingly dynamic: Walking (right and left hand), jog (hand right and left), by bouncing the ball on the tablet, bouncing from a tablet to ' other.
Learn to make the sandwich
Dribbles wall and, sometimes, you block the ball with both tablets.
Next, if you block the ball with his hand Right, you start to dribble with the right, if you do it left-sharing with that hand.
Tennis at the bar
It offers an easy path for each of the 2-3 teams made (with cones for slalom and a very low hurdle), after which you put a basket where competitors must deposit the balls transported. If the ball lands the student a new beginning.
Fish in the net
At the center of a perimeter delimited a box pairs of players challenge each other to get you in the balls at a set time.
They divide the pupils into teams and 2-3 are arranged in front of each of these mattresses on the floor that will be affected by pulling from about 7 m. of distance.
Firer has one minute to the rest of the team continues to supply bringing the balls that did not fall on the target.
Aiming the target
Two players from different teams, at the appointed time, they have to pull over the network centering progressing the three sectors delimited at a distance increasing from 1-3-5 points. The comrades put the balls that reached the target in containers of corresponding value. Each player may enter the field of value gradually increased only if he hit the previous year.
Gymkhana with target
On a field you have an easy path that competitors must perform without dropping the ball from the right GoBack, arrived to try to hit a field network of field-delimited 1-3-5- points for aggiudicarsene value. Each one has available the same number of balls of the other competitors.
Singular GoBack
Pulling a network from 20 to 26 m. (Available in the "Hunting and Fishing") in the longitudinal direction of the gym they delimit 6-8 pitches of the game by 4 m. in width and 12 in length. The lines of the bottom field may be represented by those of the field of basketball, the side lines are to be marked with lines Skotch of paper or plastic furniture. The player who has the service must pull in batting hitting the ball from the bottom, the player receiving must leave ribalzare ground.
Then he plays as tennis reaching 11 points. Every two points made the joke goes to the other player.
American GoBack
The class is divided into two teams, who wear vests of different colors, are arranged outside a field 7 x 15 or volleyball. The starting player must pull the ball in batting (in case of error has the right to a trial II), after the shot goes running to get in line behind the comrades in the atrium area. Each student starts with a "bonus" of 4.5 lives that will try not to lose by pulling out the net or not postponing the ball in the other field.
He who makes the mistake and lose a life must reopen the gioco.Via, via that competitors lose their "bonus" thinning the ranks of competitors up to only two players that will compete with the rules of the singular starting from points still available to them.
After several months of experimentation with Go Back, you can propose a lot of these exercises using rackets junior handle shortened and stranding softer to students who have more than 9 years. I must point out that the activities proposed so far are from the project "Sport at School" that the Italian Tennis Federation disseminates through technical as the prof. M. Rosa Fanzago.)
· With ground bounce
· From hand to hand
· Bounce from floor to wall.
PAIRS facing each other direct launch
· One launches another takes two hands
· With one hand
· After a ground bounce
Starting at Tchoukball and Softball
Arranged in pairs, gradually increasing the throwing distance while passing a soft ball
To launch a free hand and two-handed grip
Throwing up, down, standing still, walking, counting IOLs number of steps completed in one minute and the next minute trying to exceed its record.
One rolls the ball on the ground and the other after it to go the other way
To grasp
Have it pass under the legs
Cl stop her lower back sitting on the ground before his arrival
Stopping his nose relaxing on the ground.
Starting from the bottom gym every couple the counts how many steps are needed to reach the opposite wall and, gradually, tries to cope with a lower number of steps
Consolidation balance
Hopping on one foot
Coordination in jumping obstacles and kick a ball
Mini courses in the basement
Crossing short space while balancing on logs
Game of "Staircase" (Sector 8 quadrants in which you toss a disc to go to catch leaping on one foot)
Coordination in hops on the spot
Level 1
· Only feet (open and close)
· Only feet (front and back)
add arms
· I open my arms and feet
· Close my feet and arms
2nd level
· Feet back behind
· Arms open close
3rd level
· Feet back behind
· Arms high low
4th level
· Foot open close
· Arms high low
N.B. Children with coordination difficulties may have trouble even on 1st level, in that case it is very suitable to perform their movements interrupting the sequence at each change of location (ex .: "By standing united arms available, will open with a foot leap while momentum for arms out and stop "then" From feet apart arms aloft join your feet while I lower my arms and I will stop ") when you ran the progression for at least 10-12 times you will be created that track neuro motor which will allow to carry out the sequence in a continuous manner. Ditto with higher difficulty levels.
Starting at SOFTBALL
In pairs: Passages and taken from different distances
One launches from below the belly of the companion
Same with clockwise rotation of the arm
Who is waiting for the ball gets in the profile joined hands
He tries to hit the ball with the back of the hand
Using the bat:
after teaching the handle to hit balls or sponge depressurized placed over a support, or plastic balls crossed by a thread tied to the back.
Hitting, standing in profile, balls coming from the bottom by a comrade
Text Box: Home
Basic Rules
Players on offense if they can achieve a point, starting from home base, to do a complete returning "home" without being eliminated. Defending players (Pitcher, receiver and Defenders ...) can eliminate the attackers taking their Battuta on the fly, by touching them with the ball in hand before, that they go except on the bases, sending the ball to a defender of the basics before you arrivals striker or doing wrong 3 times the batter (3 "Strike").
N.B. In the first phase you can let the children play poker without making them leave after their launch in the field. Only when they have acquired the ability to hit with the bat you will use this tool.
Starting at Tchoukball
In this sport he made a point if, after pulling against the panel bouncing from a distance of 3 m., The opposing team fails to catch the fly ball and it falls into the field of play. The two teams can not obstruct intercepting passes and must leave freely pull opponents, characteristics of high educational value, making it particularly suitable for children with difficulties coordinative.
Each team will be 3 steps to go to the shooting of any of the two panels, plus the passage opening passage called "0". If the ball falls between the exchange and the other is awarded to the opponents, who share the point from which fell by touching it with the pitch. The action is taken by the team that suffered the tapping point from outside the frame of the panel.
You lose a point if you can not take to flight the ball after the shot of the opponents, if you pull at the wrong floor panel and if it rebounds on the attacker pulled. Who has the ball can not advance cam, undermining or running, she has to go. Before the snap Allowed 3 supports advancing.
And steps taken in pairs.
Attempts against the panel and self-recovery
Arranged in two rows: a Right each student has a ball and is shooting from the Left is recovered and then change row.
Right to pass the ball and you move forward to receive the pass and shoot.
Shooting after three supports to the ground: for the Right (Left-Right-Left) shooting; for lefties (Right-Left-Right).
Crossing the gym in pairs or 3, passing the ball and going to the shooting.
Games preparatory to the launch and struggling
Among the students they have half the ball. A student starts the game without the ball running to touch anyone who has it in its possession. Who has the ball he can pass it on to those who run away to help him and keep him safe. Whoever is moved without the ball needs to catch up. (2)
A team is arranged in a circle and has a ball, the other is arranged in a row to the left of the rim and has a flag.
At VIA, the first team line up part of the race and makes one revolution around the circle of the other class. When he comes back, handed the flag to the second child, that part of the race and so on. At the same time the class in a circle executes steps with the ball as quickly as possible. Every time the ball back to the first child of the circle has a full turn.
When all the children lined carried out his round of racing, they stop the steps and they change roles, making sure that the number of laps of the race made it the same for both teams.
The team that, at the end, has a greater number of complete laps of steps with the ball.
Two teams placed freely on the field divided by a net or / tape stretched to a height at will: each student has a ball. At the start everyone throws his ball in the opposing camp and continues to launch all those who arrive as quickly as possible. To signal the game stops and the team that has fewer balls in their field wins.
Repeat several times by changing the field. (2)
Between two fires
The camp is divided into THREE ZONE and boys in three groups A -B - C.
The two teams A and C will throw a ball trying to hit the guys in the central B. Who is affected is the team who threw the ball. The game ends when there is no one in B.
Two teams into two opposing camps: a ball is thrown from side to side. Who gets passed with the other team and the game continues. If the ball is caught on the fly are not taken. The game ends when all the children are on the same side.
Prisoner ball
Within the field of volleyball, without the network, they have two teams.
If those who go shooting, using a soft ball, hitting an opponent these passes on the field according to the external lines that surround it and from there, in case the recoveries ball, he can hit opponents and return to their side.
The team that eliminates all opponents by hitting them and taking them on their side
2-3 soft balls are placed on the line of center field and the two teams will have on the bottom lines at the start there are 3 competing for the party by grabbing the balls to pull opponents trying to hit them. Who it is centered out, but may fall if a fellow can grasp an opponent shooting on the fly. The team that eliminates all the opponents.
The orienteering, consists in performing a predefined path characterized by control points called "lanterns" with the help of a very detailed map that contains the details of the place to go.
The map is seen from space
You can start the game by asking pupils to represent the class of all the greatness of the paper protocol: being open desks, blackboard, chair, trash and lockers as if you were watching them from the ceiling. N.B. Helping those less equipped to place the different objects in the correct mutual position.
· Use the map of the class to create their own path with 4 points to reach, according to the following symbols
Δ 1 start
О 2 lanterns (points to reach)
© first point of arrival
· Draw the path
· Testing of the path in the class
· Sharing the path with a mate (you feel then 3 or 4 routes each)
· The need to always turn the map to match the found objects.
· Observation of the characteristics of that space from the window
· Creation of a convenient location,
· You try it outdoors
· It is exchanged for 2, 3 comrades
Available on the gym floor of various objects (circles, cones, mats) and subsequent delivery of the plant with a dozen empty circles placed at objects placed: the students will score in the right circles the name of the objects placed on the ground.
Objective: Learn about the legend of a map.
· Design and copying symbols
· Storing individual
· Exercise in pairs (question and answer)
· Division into teams and answer the teacher's questions.
· Returns a map and simulation of a path verbalizing
· Answering questions on the course: "You lantern 1, which direction to take the second? What do you have to your right? What tells you that you've come to the right place? ...)
Team trials after pasting on 4-6 different cards as many copies of maps and cut them in forty squares
· Redial Relay cropped map of assembling the various quadrants type puzzle.
· Time Trial of a path in the yard by starting students after one minute of each other.
Games for the space-time orientation:
Delivering a series of cards which depicts pairs of objects or actions, and children discovering them one by one, have to guess where you find the pairs
Memory Progressive Arrange 4 pairs of cards on the table upside down ("Merchant at the fair" or other) and then try to reform the couples turning them two at a time.
Then move to 6-8 pairs
Tangram is an ancient Chinese game.
It is a square divided into seven polygons.
Combining in various ways the parties can build countless figures.
5 triangles (2 large, 1 medium, 2 small)
1 square
1 parallelogram
The goal is to train people to make sense. The rules are quite simple:
Use all seven pieces in composing the final figure;
Not sovrapporne anyone.
· You can start the game by making a cut out of construction paper tangram each child, so that it stores where there are individual polygons.
· Once clipped able to reconstruct it several times.
· To form different figures.
· Put the children in pairs: one builds and the other breaks down and then rebuilds the figure, swapping roles.
· Practice to build a figure proposed by the teacher or by a partner, etc ...
N.B. Of all the activities that I have experienced the Ping Pong is the game that allowed the greater consolidation of lateralization Orientation and Space-Time due to the high number of shots that run in short time units, doing exert a result of intensive coordination eye-hand and allowing the recovery of the perception of what their body side dominant.
The progressive consolidation of lateralization and reorganization neuromotor opens the way for the development of coordination, a better orientation space-time and, consequently, the ability to recognize graphic shapes of the letters, allowing students who are deficient in this area to find safety in themselves through the greater coordinative skills who can spend in the games and also exercises in bed writing. The self-image will improve giving a positive boost to your self-confidence and since Goleman and Bloom have amply demonstrated how the emotional dimension influences the ability to learn, we can say that this program of rehabilitation may favor a surgery to remove the obstacles that children with ASD They must pass. There are clear reasons in support of this neuro biological setting. The report below
Daniele Lodi
Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell'ex
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